Archive for the ‘Legos’ Category

Comic Con Day 2 and 3

So it was the second day of comic con and me and my hewman decided to that we would go together in our Jayne Hats.

 This is the first elf I ever met
This is the first elf I ever met 

I have never met an elf before but this was was very nice. I was very amazed by her big ears. I imagine she can hear a lot of things with them like how I can smell a lot of food with my cute little nose.

Man with half a face

Mr famous singer guy.

Then before we could get into the building there was this other guy who I got to meet. He was very nice and had a good singing voice.

Move aside Tibble, I am the cute one here

Move aside Tibble, I am the cute one here

Here at Comic Con there are some people from the future too. These ladies thought their little fuzz ball was cute but I showed them the real definition of cutness.

And now another super hero team

and now another super hero team

It was very nice to see these two. I remember them from the Xmen movies before. They were very nice to meet.

I was not the only fuzzy at Comic Con

I was not the only fuzzy at Comic Con

I got to meet these two kitties. Appearently they have their own comic on the internet that I will have to look into this.

Do not worry, the Doctor is hear

Do not worry, the Doctor is hear

There were a lot of Doctor Who running around comic con this year. They must come to make sure all the villains do not succeed in their evil plans.

Bear meets his first Ewok

Bear meets his first Ewok

Then I got to meet this Ewok guy. He was very cool.



OH MY PAW! There are legos here… SO MANY LEGOS!

<img class=”size-full wp-image-90″ title=”2011 Comic Con” src=”” alt=”I I made this to show all of you my twitter anipals and hewmans out there that I ❤ U all very much 🙂

Bear the hunter strikes again

Bear the hunter strikes again

When you are running around Comic Con all day you need to be sure to eat to keep up your energy. My hewman is always prepared and ready fur this.

I have one more Blog left after this about my days at Comic Con and I have saved the best fur last.